Who We Are
RNP is an independent media support and production company focused on digital capture of live performance art. Our humble beginning was as a performers’ touring company in New Zealand. Today, RNP has evolved into a digital video production company designed to market and promote Artists’ creative process and delivery. Based in Boston MA, RNP can flexibly maneuver both nationally and internationally.
Interviews, testimonials, documentation of preproduction and real time performance are included in RNP’s vision to provide you a memorable, embracing event. One that will capture you and your audience’s attention, imagination and heart as we champion and celebrate your talents to the online community.
Ransom Note Productions WON’T HOLD YOU HOSTAGE with outrageous fees and hidden expenses.
Like you, we too are artists seeking to capture the real and relevant moment and to provide the logistics and distribution though popular online media.
We understand the grit and your zeal for creative integrity along with the sacrifice necessary for this journey to explore and create. Together, we hope to work to blaze a trail forward in your creative process.
Your life has lead you to this moment. We strive to capture and forever SEIZE IT FOR YOU for your community and for the world.