
Blogging is a bitch. I don't like it. Usually blogging is for blurting out a diatribe on text- while- you- drive- millennials, relationships or Drones! I would like to take this opportunity to ventilate a little bit on what I've noticed around the community where I live known as Jamaica Plain.

In the five years that I have been here, there have been significant changes in this community. High-Low Foods goes out and Whole-Foods comes marching in, 203 is being torn down and 'gentrification' is the word of the decade. I am part of the changes that have come through this part of Boston and I can't exactly say that I am proud of all of it. I have been privileged enough to meet many different artists in JP and I am getting increasingly alarmed as to how many of them are leaving. 

The influx of people moving here is due in large part because the 'coolness' factor of JP is understandably high. When people come here and see all the cool and creative types and say to themselves "Hey! Let's move here!", well that's fine. More people means more funding for schools, roads and sidewalks get improved, places to shop and eat become more interesting that is all fine. What bothers me is that when people move here because of the artists and the vibe of the place and don't SUPPORT those very elements that benefit this community.

It's simply not good enough to go to the Wake Up the Earth Festival, held annually the first weekend in May, the Lantern Parade, held every October, the JP Music Festival, 5th of its kind this year!, and the second JP Porchfest on July 11, just because it's something "To Do!" These are activities that take a huge amount of effort and logistics to work out FOR the people of this community and the town. These are activities that HAVE TO BE SUPPORTED for them to continue. They are unique for this part of the City of Boston and they are the reasons, amongst others, why people choose to live here. These very elements, if not supported, will disappear because the people who live here and create them are not being invested in. Or not enough.

This is where Ransom Note Productions can help.

RNP is going to be covering the JP Porchfest on July 11 AND the JP Music Festival in September. These musicians and artists will be interviewed and profiled on the Ransom Note Podcast for promotion. Blogs (ugh! just the word) will be written, videos will be shot and edited and promoted on social media platforms. You will see us rambling around JP over the next several months with cameras and crews, filming scenes, interviewing people and artists and bands. 

All of this is for the eventual production of a Rockumentary (a documentary that's filled with kick ass music) about our fabled, neighborhood music venue, The Midway Cafe, called Live At The Midway. This is a film that promotes the Arts, the musicians that live here that strive to survive. Check out the site, show your support by volunteering, donating or sponsoring. 

The time is NOW for something like this. RNP invites you to look at this landing page about the film and to listen to the bands on our podcast. You'll find that these men and women have a tremendous amount in common with you and a good majority of the world. I will be filming them and giving them killer footage of their performances that will last forever. It is my hope that you will support these musicians, this project and this community.

Thank you and I'll see you around the town.


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